Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tax rebates and fraud

Ah, dear old dad. And by "dear old dad" I mean "bastard who needs to stop trying to screw with my life." Yes, I've moved out, finished school, and generally don't have to deal with him very often any more. But because I was in college last year, he decided to claim me as a dependent on his taxes, which cost me about $75 of my refund. He said he was going to pay me back for that, but never did. Now I find out that any person who was claimed on someone else's return is ineligible for a tax rebate check, which costs me another $600 that I'd been counting on getting later this summer. I was already making travel plans that relied on having that extra money in the bank.

So after I go home next time,  I'm getting everything I have out of their house, finding a permanent place to park my car, and flipping the jackass the bird. I'm so sick of dealing with him that I'd rather not deal with family at all since I always get the worst deal out of anyone. I'm half tempted to call up the IRS and report him myself, just to try and help karma along. But either way, this is one hell of a bad note to start the morning off on.

1 comment:

  1. wow. just wow. that's quite a bit of douchebaggery on his part. I thought 21 was the cut-off age for parents claiming a person as a dependent
