Monday, September 7, 2009

MFM 2009 - Sunday Night Update

Another day, another post! You might think this is going to become a habit! Not a whole lot happened today, though, since I managed to sleep until almost noon and didn't actually get out into con space until about 1 PM. I was able to place the order for the custom staff I won in the tournament, but other than that almost the entire day was once again spent hanging out and having fun in the gaming room. I played a couple rounds of Go with Startide before the closing ceremonies started, during which time they closed everything down to convince everyone to attend. They had been saying there was going to be an important announcement, and they made it: This will be the last MFM.

... at this hotel. Yes, they played it up just like that, too, complete with Tyger Cowboy in tears and the dramatic buildup to a video where they revealed that little detail. Turns out the con is going to move to a private, conference-only hotel in Olive Branch, MS next year, about ten miles southeast of here. This means we'll have more space and it'll all be just for us furries. :)  As such, I'm quite eagerly looking forward to next year's con, as that's a luxury that no other furry convention in the US has had: totally private space.

After the ceremonies Startide and I returned to the room briefly before going out to dinner at Qdoba, then went back to the hotel for a few more games. I played two rounds of Super Scrabble, one with him and once with Redcard; I won both games convincingly. Rock Band followed that, with me taking vocals for a few rounds. Time flew by quite quickly while I was playing that; I still had the mic in hand when they started to shut things down at 1:30 AM.

The plan for tomorrow is pretty simple: sleep 'til about 10 o'clock, pack as quickly as possible, return Startide to his truck, then start heading back to Pensacola. I might be back in time for a later dinner. Tuesday will bring about a hastily arranged furmeet in town - quite possibly the last one before I attempt a move up to the midwest - then Wednesday will likely see me returning to work and spending a month behind the wheel of the pumpkin. For now, though, good night Internet.

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