Tuesday, October 28, 2008


One thing that I really, really dislike doing is interacting in real-life with people I don't know. Why? Because even in the simplest of situations, I can't seem to figure out how to not piss people off. Take, for example, checking in at the warehouse here. This place requires drivers to check in on the CB radio. I hate using the radio. It took me five minutes just to get up the nerve to try paging the guard once, then I never got a response. Several other drivers checked in after that without a problem. I tried again, didn't get a response, then repeated myself as other drivers had, only to get a snappy "Hold on a minute" instead of the polite responses that the other drivers had received when they did the same thing. At this point, I was shaking in the seat; I really, really do not handle that sort of thing well.

I'm checked in now, but I'm still twitching as I type this, ten minutes later. -_-

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. I also dislike talking to people I don't know, especially over phone or voice chat. Even in a more casual setting I don't really know how to start a conversation or even what to talk about with someone I don't know.
