Monday, August 25, 2008

Advertising on blogs

In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, I'm running ads on my truckin' around (trucking work-related) blog. So far, it's not amounted to a whole lot of money; at the rate I'm going, it'll be about 2015 before I actually earn enough from those ads to get Google to pay anything out at all. However, since it's my account, I don't even see the ads and I have no idea how annoying (or benign) they actually are. I'm fairly sure I've specified text ads only and configured them to be unobtrusive as possible, but I can't verify it. :)

Also, would anyone be horribly offended or irritated if I started running similar things on this blog and/or added them to the RSS feeds? Obviously, my porn blog isn't going to run them since it's way outside the terms of service for AdSense (and, frankly, pushes the limits for Blogger itself), but this one is tame enough for me to at least contemplate it.

Please leave your comments so I can get an opinion on the subject. Or just use the star ratings: one star if you hate the idea, five if you love it, and in-between ratings for in-between opinions.

Edit @ 11 PM: I spent some time testing out my settings on both this and my work blog and set a few things up. There's now one link unit near the top of the page, an ad at the bottom of the right sidebar, and a search box above my posts. The last one actually is useful and I can actually use that to allow people to search my smut if they're so inclined. ;)

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