Monday, March 1, 2010

Shoulder update - March 1

I never heard back from the doctor's office on Friday, so I decided last night that I'd go up there this morning. I went to bed around 12:30 AM, but I didn't even wake up until almost 11, then spent an hour and a half drifting in and out until I finally had the strength to get out of bed, get my clothing on, and get moving. The nurses at the doctor's office said that my doctor wasn't in on Friday, which is why I hadn't heard back, but I was assured that someone would call me back today, likely before 5 PM. In the meantime, I checked with the company's occupational health department and found out that one of my drugs - meant to alleviate muscle spasms that could trigger more severe pain - is something that I cannot take while driving (it's a narcotic) and that I have to be off it for 24 hours before I can resume work. As such, the earliest that I can go back is Saturday, and that's assuming there are no further issues. If I am cleared,

Of course, I wouldn't even be trying to go to the doctor again if there weren't issues. The pain isn't radiating up my neck like it was before, but it is over most of the area around my right shoulder blade, extending from my shoulder halfway down my back. It's pretty much localized - I could trace the area that hurts with a marker - but it does hurt quite a bit in some circumstances. Shifting gears in my car (e.g. from neutral to drive) was enough to make it uncomfortable. Holding things while using the restroom is probably the most uncomfortable thing I've done and it hurts for several minutes afterward. Trying to stab at my salad wasn't fun either. And, of course, the longer I'm sitting here typing the more it starts to bother me unless I maintain perfect posture. Strangely, playing video games is not making it hurt, which is why I've spent so much time playing Mario Kart and Smash on the Wii over the weekend.

I'll likely update this post when I hear back from the doctor later tonight or, at worst, sometime tomorrow. I don't think I can sit with my arm like this for much longer.

Edit (4 PM EDT): Just heard back from the doctor's office. Turns out that one of the medications does have severe drowsiness as a side effect; they recommended that I cut its dose in half to try counter it, but continue taking the other two as prescribed. I also will be getting referred to a hospital for an MRI; they'll call me to schedule the test. Results should come back within two days after I've been scanned, hopefully less.

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