Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mood Swings

It seems like just about every thing I want to do lately has been falling apart. I wanted to hang out with some people at the last several stops and it fell apart due to reason after reason. I worked on coloring something and thought it looked good, only to have people either not notice that I'd even tried to color it or link me to something that made my stuff look like crap. I'm up way too late again as, even now, I find myself unable to turn the computer off and get to bed. I keep trying to do nice things for people and either screwing it up somehow or just not even getting thanked for it.

I'm seriously starting to wonder why I even try any more. It makes it seem like there's nothing I can do that will get most people to even give me the time of day. I'm a nobody and nobody is ever going to give a damn about me or anything I do.


  1. *pets atcha* We don't get to hang out much, but ya know I appreciate ya. Sometimes things just don't work out. And I don't think I've ever seen any art type stuffs you've done. You'll have to link it to me sometime :).
