Sunday, September 14, 2008

Losing weight

Wii Fit is one of those things that proves to be much, much more effective than I ever thought possible. How do I figure? I've lost more than six pounds since I started playing it two weeks ago, despite only minor changes to my diet. I'm planning on continuing to play it for 30 minutes a day at least five times a week, though I only used it to check my weight this evening since it's much later than I'd like. I'm going to start trying to better my diet as well, such as by drinking water or - at worst - diet beverages whenever possible, though I'll make an occasional exception for sugar-sweetened tea. Likewise, I'll be trying to eat smaller portions and try to consume more fruit and vegetables; though fruit is hard to come by on the road, I could probably find a salad-like item a couple of times a week.

My ultimate goal is to be back down to about 150 pounds and fit in the size 32 pants that I've broken the buttons off of. I'm going to try lose about a pound a week on average; I suspect the weight I've lost so far is just a temporary fluke or that the scale somehow underestimated my weight by about four pounds this evening. Here's hoping I can make some more significant and lasting improvements!

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