Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time Management Skills, or the lack thereof

More and more often, I find myself wondering where the heck time goes. Tonight, for instance, I shut the truck down at 5:45, but really have no idea what I've done with the intervening three and a half hours. I had dinner, chatted on the phone a bit, used the bathroom, then hopped online...and, somehow, most of the evening disappeared in the time it took for me to look back at the clock. Now, not only am I going to get a mere six hours sleep (which is still more than last night), but I once again won't have time to take a shower. I could just tell work that I don't want to get going at 4 AM, but that's a bad thing for my paycheck.

To cut the rambling short, for sake of both readability and preserving what little time is left this evening, can anyone suggest ways of trying to fit more into a day? Given my incredibly odd and full work schedule - sometimes more than 11 hours a day of work and up to 70 a week - and my inability to function on limited amounts of sleep, I find myself wishing that I could use the very limited time I have more effectively. I don't exercise at all any more, save for short walks to and from the truck; I haven't written anything but blog posts in weeks and my entries here are becoming increasingly sporadic; and I never feel like I've accomplished anything anymore.

So... help?

1 comment:

  1. I find I lose many hours to periods of "I'll do it in a little while". Those are dangerous. "I'll get out of bed in a little while, and totally still have time to eat breakfast and take a shower"; "I'll start on my PDEs assignment in a litle while, and finish it in the next 36 hours"; "I'll do that paperwork in a little while"; &c.

    If I add up all such moments in the past five years, they might add up to half the typical adult lifespan of a pet mouse, even though most were not in excess of twenty minutes.

    Of course, I only speak from personal experience. Already, you allocate time much more efficiently than I do.
