Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fun with Checking

I got a "low balance e-mail" from Mint and went to transfer money to my checking account from my savings. I think that I cut it just a bit close this time though...

Monday, November 24, 2008

MFF Post-Con Update

Things are over now. I'm sitting at the Milwaukee airport waiting on my flight; it doesn't leave until nearly 5 PM tonight. After I made my last post, I went to bed. I wanted to play Lupus In Tabula, since the game is always awesome at cons, but I was too tired to even stand up straight. I was able to get one of my sketchbooks back, but I couldn't find Gideon so I'll have to e-mail him later to see about getting it mailed to me. None of the other artists I'd commissioned were able to finish anything, but it'll be well worth the wait: Daronesa, Kami Cheetah, Pegasus 316, Alchera, and Gideon are the artists from whom I will be getting stuff eventually.

I can't think of that much to write here that I haven't said about the convention already, aside from the fact it was awesome. There were a few moments of drama and a few people that I would rather not have seen, but otherwise things were incredible and this was a much-needed break. I plan on coming back next year, if at all possible, though it's too early for me to plan such things just yet.

MFF Sunday Night Update

Whee! I'm running on pretty much nothing but caffeine at this point, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I've had a heck of a time here at the con and plan on coming back here in the future. I was able to commission all manner of good stuff; Gideon will have to mail me my sketchbook but I Should be able to pick up my other book before I head to bed tonight. However, that head-to-bed will be happening momentarily; I want to get a full night of sleep tonight before I head home since I've gotten about eight hours of sleep total during the entire con. It's been worth every minute that I've stayed awake though. :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

MFF Update - Saturday Night

This con, so far, has kicked loads of ass. I've commissioned several things I've wanted to for a while and hope to get a few more things tomorrow, depending on who ends up in the artists' alley. I just came back from playing Lupus in Tabula for four hours, in a group that managed to use "I run the Taco Bell" as an excuse to not get lynched, among other forms of insanity. However, I'm also on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, so I'm going to get to bed and get up in time to be in line for the artists' alley in the morning. :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

MFF Saturday Update

I just finished taking pictures from the fursuit parade. Some came out really well, some not so great, but mostly I'm content with how I did. I'm not sure but I think I saw one or two people I recognized and wanted to see, but I couldn't even get up the nerve to say hi for fear of mistaken identity. I'm perched in the Den for now, but as soon as I finish writing this, I'll be wandering back out to the artists' alley and/or dealers' den, possibly heading up to the con suite for a snack or something to drink, and heading to the "You Can Draw" panel at 4 PM. After that, I'm going to get a shower and dinner, then see what happens later tonight. I'll very likely participate in the poker game at 9 PM tonight, since it's the last qualifier for the game Sunday and I haven't had my fill of the card game yet.

Also, my phone is broken. If you want to get in touch with me and meet up at the con, please e-mail me or comment on this post. Please see my previous post for the link to my calendar; that lists all the events I'm likely to go to over the next day and a half. I'll check back here in the den every so often to see what's been posted. For now, though, I scamper. :)

MFF Friday Night Update

I played in the first of the poker qualifiers ... and lost. I ended up fourth at our table, which isn't too bad, but only the winner of each table advances to the final on Sunday. I'll be a dealer for the round tomorrow morning and might try my like at the third and final qualifier tomorrow night, but I've not decided and it depends on what else is going on at the time. For now, I'm thinking of getting a shower and heading to bed; I want to be in line for the dealers' den when it opens in the morning since there's one person I need to pick up a commission from and another couple that I'd like to commission before they fill up for the day. Then, of course, dealing the poker game, then nothing until well after lunch.

Here's my plan of stuff to do for the con.

Friday, November 21, 2008

MFF Update - Friday evening

Things so far this con have gone quite well. This is my first venture down to the actual con space - we had a lot of people coming up to the room throughout the day - but I'm going to be doing a fair amount more wandering later on. I've already commissioned a badge from Fishyboner and plan on being at the dealers' den or artists' alley when they open tomorrow morning at 10 AM. What happens in the meantime is anyone's guess, but I'll most likely do the charity poker game at 9 and head to Werewolf until I'm ready to go to bed.

I'm Gonna Get Raped

I do believe that, in this case, the subject line says it all. The fursuit in question is Ripner's, if anyone's wondering. And, now, I sleep. Don't expect me to be conscious before noon. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

At the MFF hotel

I'm staying with Kilroy tonight; we got here about an hour and a half ago. I'll be moving to Crocosaur's room when he arrives tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going wandering downstairs. I'm wearing one of my badges now; please hug me if you see me!

Landed in Milwaukee

On the ground and the plane is taxiing to the gate.

Getting on an airplane

We're finally boarding. I'll update when the big metal bird lands.

Still trapped in Memphis

I finally overheard why the flight is delayed: there's a dent in the aircraft and the airline has to wait for the manufacturer to tell the mechanics what (if anything) needs to be done to make the plane flight worthy. Apparently they haven't gotten any word from the manufacturer yet, which is why they keep pushing it back; it shouldn't take long to enact repairs once they know what they have to do.

The airline is not doing anything for passengers, though, with regard to accommodating their travel needs. They did give us a $5 meal voucher (which isn't enough for even the cheapest combo on any menu here) but they are not rebooking passengers or otherwise ensuring that people get where they want or need to be at any specific time.

I'm getting increasingly worried that Kilroy won't be able to pick me up since he has other obligations this afternoon and my delay could seriously screw with his plans. I shouldn't be stuck at the airport, though; Crocosaur is going to pick me up unless things get seriously screwed up. However, right now, I have no idea even if I'll be in Chicago today.

*sigh* Why can't things go well when I'm trying to enjoy myself? :(

More flight delays.

They've said we'll leave at 10 AM now but we still haven't started boarding yet, so I find that extremely unlikely. I'm going to see if I can find food after all; I'll ask at the airline's info counter.

Flight delay

Due to some sort of mechanical problem, my flight has been delayed by at least an hour. I'll post with further updates as I have new information.

Airport update from Memphis.

The plane landed about 15 minutes ago, putting me ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a fast food place and I really don't want to spend big money on a restaurant at the airport. I'll be ravenously hungry when I get to Milwaukee in about three hours.

On the way to MFF - Pensacola Airport

To describe the TSA agents here as "dicks" is putting it nicely this morning. I ended up going through extra screening, only to realize that I'd left a bottle of lube in my backpack. How that's a threat to national security I don't know; I don't think they have any clue what "security" actually entails, since they seem to believe that harassing passengers is the best way of achieving it. I ended up having to go back down to the airline counter, putting aforementioned bottle in my luggage (which, thankfully, was still down there), taking the bag through the TSA check line again, going back through security ... and getting extra screening once again. There's absolutely nothing that I had in bag that time that could have been a problem, other than lots of shiny electronics that I wouldn't trust to leave in a checked bag.

Next time I fly anywhere, I'll pick a different airport; I've never had this much trouble flying before. But they are boarding the flight now, so I'm going to hit the "send" button and hope this goes through before I take off. Otherwise, it'll be posted from Memphis, back dated.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Medical Stuff '08 - Part Two

The doctor's appointment was remarkably unsatisfying. After a wait of just over an hour, the doctor came in, asked me a few basic questions, listened to me describe one of the several things I had questions about, listened to various parts with his stethoscope, and left to let one of the nurses finish things up. I have to go for some lab work due to that one concern, but the fact I didn't even get the chance to bring up the other things I had questions about seriously bothers me. Is it normal to just have to start talking to a doctor and keep talking until you've said everything you want to say or did I just happen to visit a doctor that was more interested in going home than actually treating patients?

Medical Stuff '08 - Part One

I've been waiting about 35 minutes on the doctor to show up, so here's a quick post on what I know so far:

* I'm negative for STDs; I went to the health department earlier to get the results. That's one less thing to worry about.
* I have a doctor's appointment 25 minutes ago.

I'll make another post this evening with the details for the appointment here if the doctor feels like showing up.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Strange arguments

I've heard a lot of bizarre things, but this has to take the cake for the oddest ... well, at least for the week. How do you respond to something like this, anyway?

(13:43:21) Me: But that's something that doesn't even exist.
(13:47:27) Them: at one point they said the same thing about donuts


From Garfield Minus Garfield

Sunday, November 16, 2008

MFF upcoming

I'll be arriving Thursday and staying until Monday afternoon. Who else is going? Would love to see plenty of people at the con. :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Randomly randomified

Hermaphrodites can't have children! The kids would need Google Maps just to get out!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random thought

Self-motile street orgy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fantasies Shared

Since there were a few people *cough*Kilroy*cough* who really wanted to see me write everything out, I decided to combine pretty much all of the formats by writing an outline with lots of juicy, sexy details. Honestly, the "juicy" parts could probably get posted on Yiffstar without any further editing, though I do plan on actually writing a story to this effect sometime in near future. Not necessarily before MFF, though I'll try to get it done as soon as I have the chance to do so.

Anyway, here's the document of kinky-fantasy-stuff. It's completely not safe for work; please don't say I didn't warn you.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some assembly required

I was trying to use a new microphone on Skype tonight. It's a small one that clips onto either the headphone cable or (ideally) a shirt collar. However, the clip snapped and I can't figure out how to put these pieces back together. Anyone have any suggestions?

Edit: Another half hour of tinkering and I fixed the thing. Whee. :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My biological clock broke

I went to bed at 2 PM after being awake 28 hours. I set an alarm for 9 PM. I woke up at 8 PM on the dot without any prompting. I'm considering going back to sleep for another couple hours, just because I can. @_@

4:04 - Sleep not found

Title says it all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Being slutty

I made a post a couple weeks back asking if anyone would object to me writing about my various real-life sexual fantasies. Nobody objected. So, I'm now asking another question, this time complete with a poll over on the right sidebar. When I do elaborate on my various perversities, how should I do so?

  • Short, descriptive bullet points
  • Essay form
  • Detailed paragraphs detailing specific events separately
  • A story, possibly not so short, mixing it all together.

I might start this thing as early as tomorrow evening, so please respond quickly. I'm hoping to have something finished before MFF in two weeks.


I was supposed to leave here at about noon today, perhaps a little earlier. Instead, it's now 7:15 PM and I'm still sitting in Carlisle, PA. I've blown off work for a day, putting me in a position where I have to drive all night (with a two hour nap, or less) to make a delivery. And for what? I hesitate to describe it as merely being addicted to the Internet, though it's possible that's all the problem is, but I have a different hypothesis.

I'm addicted to people.

Even before I took this job, in which my level of human contact is nearly nothing, I spent very little time with people. It proved to be impossible to get a group of furs together in Pensacola to go out and do anything or even to just come over and hang out. Online, I keep trying to find people to talk with, though since I have so little experience actually interacting with others I constantly worry about screwing something up, pissing someone off, and not even knowing what I've done wrong to make someone ignore me. Even if I'm not on a messenger (like now), I end up regularly browsing various social news and other similar sites, mostly for the various comments sections.

I only wish I could figure out some sort of productive course of action. Obviously, not getting online would be the simplest answer, but then I wouldn't have any interaction with people at all, since I have to use the web to set up even my few offline meetings with people. I'd just have my phone and the three or four people that call me once in a while. I ended up taking down the "call me" button because, out of the months it was up here, just one person used it and it was someone who'd gotten a new phone and couldn't find my old number. Another obvious solution is just spending less time online, but self-control and moderation are two things that I'm severely lacking in. I know that these are all things I should probably talk to a psychologist about - and I'll probably show one this post if I ever do see one - since I truly have no idea how to handle it.

Were it not so late, I'd probably write something a bit more eloquent, but I've taken half an hour just to type up this much. I need to get a nap in before I go driving tonight.

Music Badge

In the right column on my blog pages (linked for those on the RSS feed), I swapped out some elements to make room for a radio badge from thesixtyone. If you want to listen to some good music that you've likely never heard before, give it a try; I get extra points on the website if enough people start listening to my radio. Of course, if you want to sign up, you can go hunting for music on your own, since I'm sure my tastes aren't necessarily going to match yours; just please give Pixelpaws credit for the referral. :)

We're open 24 hours, but not between 2 and 4 AM...

If a fast-food place is open 24 hours a day, you would think that they'd keep their signature items available even if they're running a reduced menu in the late-night hours. Not Wendy's, apparently. I took the car out, attempted to order a double, and was told they didn't have any burgers because they were cleaning the grill. Considering that I wasn't about to pay $4 for an hour-old (or more) chicken sandwich, I just left. I'll just eat a slightly larger breakfast (lunch?) when I wake up to make up for it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Maybe this country has some hope after all.

It's the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November

If you're in the United States, I have only one thing to say to you today:


You've been hearing about this election for nearly two years now. If you haven't made up your mind about a candidate by now - whether it's Obama, McCain, or a third-party person - then spend a few minutes reading any newspaper from the last 12 months and make your choice. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, since you're perfectly capable of making up your own mind (if you're not, please check into your local center for the mentally retarded), but I am going to insist you get off your ass and vote. Seriously, get away from your computer or stop staring at text messages on your phone, go to your polling place, and cast a ballot. It's the one useful thing you can do for this country.

For those of you who insist that your vote doesn't matter, keep in mind that Florida's official vote count in 2000 separated Bush and Gore by just 537 votes. That works out to an average of less than one vote at every precinct or just eight votes in each of the state's 67 counties. Think about that for a moment: if you went with seven friends to the poll and - in every county - someone else did the same, the election would have been a dead heat. If you don't care who becomes President because you think they're both useless, keep in mind there are other things on the ballot, such as state Constitutional Amendments like the ones to ban gay marriage (California and Florida, to name two), local political races (in which your single vote is much more valuable), and other ballot initiatives that could affect your life even more than the person who will take the White House on January 20.

And just one final point: If you don't vote, I'm holding you personally responsible for every single thing that goes wrong with the government for the next four years regardless of who is in power. If you can't even be bothered to spend a couple hours at a polling station once every four years to ensure our government doesn't suck, then you're at fault when it sucks so hard it's a violation of your human rights.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Toilet trouble

You know something's not right when you're sitting on the commode long enough for both legs to fall asleep at the thigh. Ow.

Saturday, November 1, 2008