Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm checked in now, but I'm still twitching as I type this, ten minutes later. -_-
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lunchtime posts
* Mozilla Minefield kicks ass. That's the code name for Firefox 3 and beta 2 is available for download. Make sure you read the disclaimer before you install, especially the part about your computer catching fire.
* I have Sunday off and might get to see Matthais again. We went to Gettysburg last time I was in town; I'll upload some of those pictures eventually. If we meet up tomorrow we'll likely find somewhere to watch football. Not much else to do on a Sunday.
* I seem to find it impossible to sleep before midnight. Not good when you need to be up by 6 AM.
Anyway, I have a couple posts typed on my laptop that will auto-post when I hop online this evening. See everyone in about eight hours.
Friendships, relationships, etc.
- why do you use that, though? It's usually something a wife reserves for a husband or vice versa.
- just wondering why someone so against mateship would say things like that :)
Why do I use such terms of endearment? Well, the individual in question is one of my closer friends and someone I've known for a rather long time. I don't see any chance of a "relationship" working out between us, though I definitely am hopeful we can remain good friends for a rather long time. But he, as well as a few of my other friends, are very close to me, much as one might regard their boyfriend/mate/husband/whatever. There are several people that I feel extremely close to (though, admittedly, not as many as I have in the past) and, while I can't say there's anyone that has expressed an interest in being anything more than friends lately, I certainly am content with having those few good friends. And, far as I can tell, they seem to be similarly happy with the situation as well.
As for the second statement, it's not so much that I'm against mateship as that I'm against the way most people act when they have a significant other of some form. It ends up, probably 95% of the time, changing the person's personality significantly for the worse. The majority of relationships people get into outside the fandom are unhealthy enough, and when you account for the decidedly high instance of mental illness among furs (e.g. I have mild depression, while others have such severe emotional dysfunction they get social security for it), it just seems the the odds of any given relationship being healthy are so low as to be practically negligible. I can name perhaps two or three relationships that I'd describe as healthy out of the two or three hundred that I've encountered. Yes, I would go so far as to say that 99% of mateships in the fandom are unhealthy for at least one of the parties involved, if not both, or all three (or four, or seven, or twelve...) if you want to start allowing for love polygons. :p
I definitely don't like the idea of a constrictive relationship, that is, one in which the partners simply tell one another "Don't do this, that, or those" instead of trying to compromise and trust one another's judgment. As simple as that statement is, compromise and trust seem to be two things that are sorely lacking in almost all of those relationships that I'm complaining about. It seems like the worst offenders are the ones who constantly cling to one another instead of simply allowing one another to go off and enjoy the company of others, whether it be for "naughty things" or even something as simple as a card game. The couples that insist on constantly being in the closest possible contact with one another are the most obnoxious. If you don't want to let go of your partner for any longer than it takes to come up for air and can't finish a sentence without telling everyone how wonderful your lover is, why do you even bother coming out of your bedroom?
All of that being said, if someone I've known for a while approached me and expressed an interest in being mates, I can't say I'd immediately reject the idea. I would at least consider it after having a nice, long chat. There probably are only a couple of such eligible bachelors out there - and I daren't even approach them on the subject for fear of screwing up some of my closest friendships - but I would at least be willing to talk to them about it if they brought it up.
Just to put one more thing out there to stop this problem in advance. If I haven't talked to you in the last month, you're definitely not one of those people, so don't even ask; I've had more than enough drama from people insisting that they'd be perfect for me when, in reality, they just think my genitals are a perfect fit for theirs. I'm also pretty sure that half to most of this is going to be incoherent, but at least it's out here now. Whee. *thud, snore*
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Obvious news is obvious
"Of those in the poll taking an optimistic view, 52 percent are age 50 and up; 51 percent have no more than a high school diploma; and 43 percent attend religious services once or more each week. ... Six in 10 right-track people are Republican and slightly more than that are conservatives, both far exceeding the national average. Likely voters in the poll saying the country is moving the right way prefer McCain over Democrat Barack Obama by 73 percent to 25 percent."
Monday, October 20, 2008
A perverse question
If I were to make a rather lengthy, detailed post about things I would like, both sexual and otherwise, would anyone want to read it?
Anthrocon puts the "con" back in convention.
While I can kind of understand the "no refunds" policy, as it keeps people from taking up rooms they can't fill, preventing people from transferring the rooms is patently absurd. It's just another way the con has found to completely screw over the people who want to attend. If something happens, people should at least be able to transfer the room to someone else who can make the event. The "no spare keys" policy is also ridiculous; while issuing a dozen keys for a "one-person" room is definitely suspect, there are times when having a spare key is valuable. Also, if I don't want housekeeping in my room, I don't want housekeeping in my room. I don't care what corporate says: "do not disturb" is a very, very simple request. And while I've been fortunate enough to never have anything stolen, I know plenty of people who have had expensive electronics and the like simply disappear from their rooms. One person, who had the only key to his room and no roommates who could have gone through his stuff, had a $900 camera "vanish" after the room was made.
I'm just waiting for people to finally realize that Anthrocon is the most overrated event in the entire fandom, run by a bunch of elitist pricks who don't give a rat's ass about anything except their inflate egos.The only reason at all to attend are the people, all of whom have been duped into spending vast sums of money for an event that isn't even worth the cost of a plane ticket. Seriously, if you're even thinking about going, don't. Find a smaller convention or just visit your friends directly. It'll be cheaper and you'll enjoy it far more. If enough people decide not to go to Anthrcon, maybe we'll be lucky enough to have the con implode and either change its policies completely or - even better - simply cease to exist.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Stop... that... damn... song
Heart of an eagle
He flies through the rainbow
Into a new world and finds the sun
Spreading his wings above all the sorrows
The glory of Eagleheart
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy Meme thing
- I got to go to the best pizza place in Pensacola last night with two of the local furs.
- I have a work assignment that, for once, actually leaves me a reasonable amount of time to deliver. Added bonus: it's just short enough that I get a bonus for it being a crappy run.
- I finally broke another big milestone in my savings account.
- There's a nearly full moon tonight and, with the clouds positioned as they are, it looks simply haunting in the sky. I only wish I could get a decent photo of it to share.
- For the first time in ... I can't remember how long, I actually get to sleep in as long as I want tomorrow. As such, I'm fully expecting to get at least 12 hours of unconsciousness in. :)
- Pandora radio. Particularly this station that I've been training.
- The simple fact that, in less than one hundred days, Bush will be something you find in a garden and not the White House.
- Sex. ... Do I really need to explain that one to anybody?
- MFF is coming up in a little over a month. I have a room arranged, plane tickets bought, and registration paid for.
- I have no debt. None.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nervous, no wreck
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Taking a break
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More odd business names
Monday, October 13, 2008
Gas prices go boom
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Link between emotional dysfunction and creativity
"There have been more than 20 studies that suggest an increased rate of bipolar and depressive illnesses in highly creative people . . ."
Monday, October 6, 2008
Today's shocker
STD Testing
Why is coming back a problem? Quite simply, there's no guarantee that I'll be able to come back to get the results at all. I'm only going to be getting home Wednesday evening before MFF and have to leave for work Tuesday morning; unless they get me home exceptionally early on Wednesday or let me have an extra day off, there's no time at all for me to even go in and get my results. The next time I come home wouldn't be until around Christmas and their offices will probably be closed for the holiday, if I'm home on a weekday at all. This means I couldn't get any results for more than three months, at which point the information is damn near useless; I could have just as easily gotten something at MFF or (worse) have something already and simply have no way of knowing it because nobody will give me my test results.
Apparently it's a legal requirement that information about HIV/AIDS status never be given over the phone: both clinics and the insurance company said that after I spent more than half an hour on the phone trying to find out what I can do. So what can I do? Absolutely nothing, it seems. The Santa Rosa County health department requires appointments and didn't have any openings today, while the Escambia County health department does walk-in appointments but only takes 12 people each morning and each afternoon; the afternoon session started at 12:30 and they probably have too many people in line by now anyway since they fill up rather quickly. No other organization or doctor in the area provides testing services to the general public; I looked.
I just wish I knew what to do now.