Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mood Swings

It seems like just about every thing I want to do lately has been falling apart. I wanted to hang out with some people at the last several stops and it fell apart due to reason after reason. I worked on coloring something and thought it looked good, only to have people either not notice that I'd even tried to color it or link me to something that made my stuff look like crap. I'm up way too late again as, even now, I find myself unable to turn the computer off and get to bed. I keep trying to do nice things for people and either screwing it up somehow or just not even getting thanked for it.

I'm seriously starting to wonder why I even try any more. It makes it seem like there's nothing I can do that will get most people to even give me the time of day. I'm a nobody and nobody is ever going to give a damn about me or anything I do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

DNS Problems

I've been having some issues with DNS while using my phone to connect to the Internet. Specifically, it works fine for about 60 seconds, then stops working entirely until I reconnect. Anyone know what could be causing it and/or have a work around?

Friday, July 18, 2008


In other, random goodness, I just felt like posting something quick here while I'm awake. Why? Because I can, of course.

Though, really, it seems like things are just kinda going nowhere. I feel like I'm slowly, steadily drifting away from practically everyone and I don't know why. I don't get to talk to people nearly as often as I used to, even when compared to the first couple months I held this job. I wish I knew why that was the case, or could shake the feeling, but neither seems to be happening. I also just seem to lack energy in general; there are plenty of writing projects I have in various stages of completion, as well as a few that I've not even started, but I find it impossible to bring myself to work on any of them. I still generally enjoy my job, or at least I'm trying to convince myself of that; it has been a somewhat frustrating week. It doesn't help that I have a tendency to just focus on the negative aspects of things.

I know things are going to get better. They always do. I just hope I can actually see them improve when they do.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I hate being addicted to the Internet. For that matter, I hate being addicted to technology in general. :/

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Why does every electronic device I own hate me? ;_;

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sprint Tech Support Sucks

I've had to call them several times this week and they've yet to actually fix a problem while I was on the phone with them. I spent three hours on the phone while in Huntsville to try and get my phone fixed after an issue rendered me unable to use my data plan; by the time I got off the phone, I couldn't even check my voice mail. After I threatened to cancel, it miraculously fixed itself while I was on the way to Startide's.

Then, as an ongoing issue, the Bluetooth services on my phone don't get along with my computer. I've tried several other devices and everything appears to work fine, but for some unknown reason my phone's data connection to my computer is incredibly buggy. Specifically, bluetooth gets turned off at the phone for no apparent reason. They want me to go to a store to have someone look at it, though I explained that it just isn't possible for me to do that. If I end up in a place where I can, I will, but I'm fed up with having to run around to get defective equipment replaced.

For my trouble, I apparently got a $20 service credit without even being told until a supervisor explained to me that it was already on the account. And this after i was explicitly told that I wasn't going to get any kind of credit at all for any of the problems I've had. At this point, I wouldn't recommend Sprint to anyone, nor would I recommend any device by HTC. Neither Sprint's network or HTC's phone wants to work as it should. Don't use either if you can avoid it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I have a graphics tablet for my computer now. Why did I get such a thing even though I completely lack the ability to draw? Well, I'd like to try my paw at it again and Woot had a decent one on sale for under $40. So, even if I prove completely incapable of drawing stick figures, I can probably sell it and get my money back. And yes, I really am that bad; my stick figures usually have one arm bigger than the other, look to have broken hips, or otherwise are severely malformed.

So, anyone have any advice for someone who wants to draw but completely lacks talent? :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In Huntsville

I'll be up here with Startide for a few days. Don't worry, there will
be pictures. ;)