"You don't have to respect my beliefs, but you DO have to respect my morals, and I WILL fight you over them." A ha ha ha no.
Someone I know put the above quote up as their status message earlier tonight as a rather blatantly obvious passive aggressive swing at me. So, I'll return serve with another blog post, as directly talking to the individual in question has proven to be entirely pointless.
A bit of background: I'd already had a shitty day, between things at work and other frustrations online. This person offered to play a game with me, but only if I asked other friends I was already playing with not to join. He thinks they're too bad at the game to be worth playing with at all. In an effort to avoid hurting anyone's feelings, I instead told those people that I was going to be joining a full group and that it would be impossible for them to accompany me. This person then became absolutely incensed that I'd dare tell even the smallest of lies, even with the sole intention of being polite, and refused to do anything than argue from his moral high horse as if I am the absolute scum of the earth for saying anything other than "You suck, so I'd rather play with someone who can tell their ass from a hole in the ground."
So rather than actually getting to play an enjoyable round of something with someone I'd like to consider a friend (something that I seem to have to re-evaluate with distressing frequency), I instead got something halfway between a lecture and a sermon until I used his own severely flawed "logic" to justify signing off with the intention of not speaking to him again until at least this weekend. Apparently, to this person, being "right" is more important than actually being a decent person and not treating someone who's already upset like a soggy bag of shit. Never mind the fact that I could've just as easily called him out on his own broken promise to play a game with me over the weekend; apparently his lies are completely irrelevant.
In an absolute shocking twist, I must make a confession: I have morals of my own. Yes, even a godless hedonist fur-fag has a moral code. I think it's more important to ensure that someone's feelings aren't needlessly hurt than to be brutally honest at all times. I also think that it's hugely important to keep your word; if you tell someone you're going to do something you should do it unless extenuating circumstances make it impossible or completely and totally impractical to do so. My morals are somewhat malleable, but I feel that it's better to be flexible and pragmatic than to be rigid and unwilling to consider the circumstances around a situation. One size does not fit all.
In a direct comment to the person who has prompted this post, as I know you'll read this: Do yourself a favor and don't comment on it. I have absolutely no desire to hear your response; that's why I signed off in the first place. Take a moment to contemplate that, before you have any business demanding people respect your morals, you should attempt to respect theirs.