1:55 PM - Hearing begins. Judge confirmed my info and the company's info. They provided a PO Box in St. Louis. They also will be providing a witness: P.
1:57 PM - P will be the only person testifying for Schneider. Other person on line only served the call.
1:59 PM - Judge explained rules and right to appeal.
2:00 PM - Judge opens case, explains what is being discussed. Enters information to record for hearing purposes.
2:01 PM - Gave oath. Began testimony.
2:18 PM - Completed testiomony. Other side began.
2:21 PM - P claims I had four customer complaints and four service failures.
2:21 PM - P admitted to downsizing account.
2:22 PM - P claims to have offered me an OTR position. He did not.
2:22 PM - P claims I filed Fair & Equitable on Jan 2 and quit on Jan 9 despite work being available. [Reality: Both happened on January 7]
2:23 PM - P testimony ended.
2:24 PM - Late on 6/25, 7/2, 12/16, and...? 12/28 for customer compaint? Contradiction in testimoy
2:28 PM - Call disconnected?
2:29 PM - Call reconnected, but employer no longer on line. Judge will attempt reconnecting everyone.
2:33 PM - Judge still unable to reconnect with Schneider.
2:39 PM - Judge called back to try reconnect one more time. Connection successful.
2:42 PM - P says I was offered an OTR position and refused it.
2:43 PM - I object, stating such a thing was never offered nor investigated.
2:45 PM - Hearing adjourned. Written decision will be mailed within two weeks.